Put your best face forward this holiday season with one of our revitalizing microdermabrasion treatments. Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive treatment that gently exfoliates your skin. The results will leave you with smoother, brighter and more even skin tone- with no down time!There are many over the counter microdermabrasion products, but the microdermabrasion that a dermatologist performs goes a bit deeper into the skin making it more effective.
We offer two Microdermabrasion options:SilkPeel® Dermalinfusion™ is a non-invasive skin rejuvenation procedure. The only technology to provide simultaneous exfoliation, evacuation, and the delivery of condition-specific topicals, SilkPeel offers advanced skin care for almost every skin type and condition. SilkPeel is customizable and can treat skin conditions such as acne, aging, pigmentation and other common ailments affecting the skin. This clinically proven treatment offers immediate results with no downtime and in only 40 minutes. Silk Peel is great as a stand-alone treatment, for pre-event, or as a way to optimize your laser treatments.
The DermaSweep™treatment uses soft bristles to gently exfoliate the skin with simultaneous delivery of skin specific topical solutions. The topical solutions are formulated to treat acne, dehydration, hyperpigmentation and other common skin ailments. DermaSweep is ideal for patients with more sensitive skin types.
If you are concerned about a dull complexion, uneven skin tone or texture, age spots, dark spots or melasma come visit us for treatment today- with plenty of time to look amazing in those holiday photos!
Marguerite Germain