Ensuring the long-term health and beauty of your skin means always being diligent about sun protection—yes, even during the cool, mild weather associated with early spring in Charleston, SC. Skin cancer treatment and prevention are both important to our team at Germain Dermatology. Fortunately, this disease, which occurs due to the uncontrollable development of mutated skin cells in the surface layer of the skin, is highly preventable.
While skin cancer can appear anywhere on the body, it typically occurs on parts that receive the most sun exposure, such as the scalp, face, lips, neck, chest, hands, and arms. Note that growths can also show up on parts that are usually covered up.
Anyone who is concerned about skin cancer should consider the following risk factors.
Excessive Sun Exposure
Skin cancer risk rises with unprotected, prolonged or intense exposure to harmful UV radiation from the sun or artificial sources. Not wearing sunscreen or protective clothing increases your risk. People who live in hot climates or high altitudes are more susceptible. Cumulative skin damage from multiple blistering sunburns significantly raises the risk of melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer.
Skin Type
Skin cancer can occur on all skin tones and ethnicities. However, people who naturally have very fair skin that usually burns instead of tanning, red or blond hair, and light eyes are more prone to getting sunburned and developing skin cancer. These people typically freckle or redden easily.
Abnormal Moles
Having a large number of moles or unusual moles (dysplastic nevi) are factors that may be linked to skin cancer. Patients should monitor their skin for any spots or blemishes that look different from other moles and new growths.
Your family history will also be a strong influence on your skin cancer risk. People who have close family members like parents or siblings who have had skin cancer should be more vigilant about protecting their skin.
Weakened Immune System
Some diseases, infections, and medications can cause a suppressed immune state that makes developing skin cancer more likely.
Want to learn more about skin cancer warning signs, prevention, and treatment? The Germain Dermatology team would be more than happy to address any questions or concerns you have. Visit us in Charleston, SC, call 843-881-4440 to speak directly with us, send a message online, or use our online booking tool to get in touch.