
Germain Dermatology blog



With Spring in the air it’s not only the flowers that are blooming…We are starting to see ducklings at the park, saplings on the trees, and baby bumps a plenty! While some moms-to-be have the all the luck of the maternal glow, the rest of us need some help. While looking at skin care products what should you AVOID during your routine while expecting?

Top of the list are products containing Retinoids.
Retinoids, a type of Vitamin A, are found in many moisturizers and are used to improve skin tone and reduce wrinkles. So far no evidence has been shown that topical use is harmful to a baby, but doctors are being extra cautious and advising to stop or limit the use while expecting due to the harmful effects of high doses of Vitamin A on babies in the womb.

Following suit is Salicylic Acid.
Salicylic acid is used mainly for treating acne (a big problem for many expecting mothers). High does in the oral form have been shown to cause birth defects and complications in pregnancy- again doctors choose to be extra cautious and suggest stopping or limiting it’s use while pregnant. One larger precaution is not to use facial peels containing Salicylic Acid as it gives the skin more time to soak in the solution- more absorption in the bloodstream.

Finally is Soy.
Yes you read that right… SOY! Most moms-to-be look for natural and healthy alternatives in diets and beauty products but soy isn’t the best go to. Expecting mothers who suffer from Melasma, also known as pregnancy mask, can actually get worse effects by using products with soy. Some products use soy which have the estrogenic components removed and this makes them safer to use. Check the ingredients carefully.

Basic rule, when expecting just take care of yourself! Pregnancy effects everyone different. If your usual products are too harsh for your mom-to-be self ask your dermatologists for some gentler options. Need a stronger, but safe, treatment for your pregnancy acne? Try using oil free makeup and lotions, and ask your doctor for safe treatment options. Germain RX has an anti-aging and acne line of Pregnancy SAFE products and we can help you set up a routine that is perfect for you.

Even though some women naturally have that glow-
we can always help you fake it!

Marguerite Germain

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