
Germain Dermatology blog



Are you one of those amazingly beautiful pregnant women, who love every second of being pregnant? Or are you more realistically one of those women, who really want to enjoy being pregnant, but are uncomfortable, sick and frankly exhausted?

 It’s not a case of bad luck or bad genes, there is actually a scientific reason behind that ‘pregnancy glow’ some are blessed with (and we are willing to bet that you are glowing outside, whether you feel it inside!).Your actual glow?
“During pregnancy, blood volume expands, giving the skin a flushed look, similar to what you get after exercise,” explains Jennifer MacGregor, MD, a dermatologist at Union Square Laser Dermatology, in New York City. “Your sweat gland activity also increases, leaving more secretions on the skin, which gives it a little bit of a sheen.”The Clear Skin?“Your hormones seem to balance out in such a way that it can take care of skin problems,” says Judith Hellman, MD, a dermatologist in New York City. “It’s why women often go on birth control pills to clear up acne — the pills actually mimic the hormonal state of pregnancy.”Adding to the ‘glow’ your hair and nails flourish due to extended growing periods and pre-natal vitamins. Whether you feel like a house or loving every minute of your pregnancy- know that you are still glowing to everyone around you.It’s a scientific fact. *Thank you to Everyday Health for some great facts.

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