November (or commonly referred to as Movember) is a month focusing on the awareness of prostate and testicular cancer, however, the 2 Your Health team goes a step further using November as a month to “show guys the lifestyle changes they can make to improve their health and prolong their life.” Carolyn Murray recently interviewed Dr. Germain discussing her best tips for ‘cool weather grooming’ for men- from manscaping to bro-tox they covered it all! Grab a sneak peek below and catch the full interview on News 2.
Is it okay for men to use hand soap to wash their faces?
“Skin on men’s faces get stripped of all their essential oils when they use hand soap on their face. It’s even more important now that it is cold.”
Can a guy get the same youthful benefits from Botox as women?
“Guys actually develop lines before women do so they can look older than they really are. A little Botox goes a long way and, done right, they can look better and younger naturally. There are a lot more guys coming to my office for what we call bro-tox than in the past.”
If a man works with his hands (ie: construction worker or mechanic) will his hands always show it?
“There are a lot of jobs that men do that are really hard on their hands. they need to pay attention to their hands routinely… apply moisturizing lotions at least twice a day, sunblock if regularly outside and maybe even consider a man-incur every once in a while. If for no other reason, the women will notice their hands.”Marguerite Germain