There are so many ways to live a healthier lifestyle- some ideas extreme and some a little easier to manage. In general a healthy diet will produce an overall healthier you from the inside out, but what food exactly will help you get a natural glow?
– Almonds are loaded with vitamin E (a great antioxidant) and can help defend against sun damage.
– Flaxseeds are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids which helps to erase spots and fine lines. It also helps lessen irritation and redness. Salmon is another great source of Omega-3s.
– – COOKED Tomatoes actually help protect the skin from ultraviolet rays by helping to eliminate skin-aging free radicals. Lycopene, which makes tomatoes red, is actually the key to the magic and as the tomatoes cook the levels increase making tomato sauce, ketchup, etc pack on the goodness. Watermelon has the same effect- yum!
– – Sweet Potatoes are loaded with vitamin C which stimulates collagen production, in result smoothing out wrinkles. You can also try papaya and carrots!
– – Canned Tuna can preserve your elastin- a protein that keeps skin smooth and firm. The tuna is packed with selenium, an antioxidant, which also has sub blocking powers.
– – Carrots will help to clear up routine breakouts! Yes, it is true. Loaded with lots of vitamin A, carrots, prevents the overproduction of cells in the skins outermost layer which means less clogged pores. Vitamin A also lessens the development of skin-cancer cells! Dairy products also contain lots of vitamin A- but eat/drink dairy in moderation because it can clog pores and contribute to acne.
– – Green Tea we all know is wonderful for your health, but did you know it is also good for your skin? The antioxidant within the tea produces anti-inflammatory properties and anticancer properties. It can help prevent skin cancer and reverse sun damage. *Tip- effects are greater when drinking it when it is warm!
– – Dark Chocolate is loaded with antioxidants that can reduce roughness in the skin and provide sun protection. No matter how you get your dark chocolate the texture of your skin should improve.
As you can see, generally ‘healthy’ foods benefit your skin as well as your body’s health. Most fruits and vegetables have antioxidants that will benefit your skin’s appearance. The same goes for the reverse. For example white bread, pastas, and cakes are linked to an increase in acne. Also overeating sugar can cause wrinkles and dull skin by damaging your collagen.
With Spring in full bloom enjoy what the season has to offer! This is a great time of year to fill up on fresh fruits and veggies.
Marguerite Germain