Once again we’re hitting the air waves! Be sure to catch us on Lowcountry Live! Monday, October 29th (show airs 10-11am). Dr. Germain will be discussing our new procedure the Clear + Brilliant Laser Treatment.
Clear + Brilliant is the latest in laser treatments used to fight the effects of aging skin. Only available to licensed and trained professionals, Clear + Brilliant can reduce signs of aging and effects from the environment on the skin. Sessions range from 10-20 minutes, and depending on your desired result or condition, you can achieve your goal in as little as one session! However, most professionals suggests adding the treatment to your regular beauty routine, as you would facials.
Clear + Brilliant can give you brighter, smoother skin, reduce fine lines, pore size and wrinkles, and improve your skin tone and texture on the face, around the eyes, chest, back, neck and forearms. What’s the best part? The treatment is non-surgical and non-invasive!
For more information be sure to watch Dr. Germain on Lowcountry Live! This coming Monday, October 29th (10-11am). And check out the Clear + Brilliant website at www.clearandbrilliant.com.
Marguerite Germain